Information/Enroll Boys Basketball

Application:  PDF (print and mail)    Online Securely

Camp July 13th-16th, 2025

Full time camper $425.00                 Day camper $250.00 (NO room, NO meals)

Enroll by April 15th, 2025, and receive EARLY BIRD BONUS!!

End date of Enrollment is July 13th

$100 dollar deposit must be turned in along with your registration form.

Send Check to: Heart of America Sports Camps-Troy Thrasher

P.O Box 1096, Salina, KS 67402-1096

Secure credit card payments are made through PayPal.  You do NOT need a PayPal account.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 2 MB.


  • 7 ½ Hours on Court Daily
  • Adjustable Dunk Units (Everybody Dunks)
  • Olympic Style Award Medals
  • Championship Coaching Staff
  • Individualized Instruction in all Phases of Basketball
  • Camp Photo
  • Excellent Dorms, Dining & Gym Facilities
  • Awards Assembly
  • Super Fun Nights
  • Camp T-Shirt
  • Team Discounts
  • Nightly Games
  • Daily Skill Sessions
  • Individual Weakness Time Slot
  • Camp Swim

Plus: Ice Cream Sundae Night-Make your Own Sundae with all the goodies; all you can eat. Watermelon Night-Ice Cold Melon. Awards Assembly.

Special All Star “T” Shirt will be awarded to each camper who makes his league All-Star team.

General Information

HOUSING– All boys will reside in air-conditioned residence halls where the coaching staff will supervise all aspects of dorm life. In addition each floor will have its own qualified adult counselor to give individual help when needed. Each section has its own private bathroom facilities. In order to guarantee roommates mail/submit online your Enrollment forms with the roommates name. NO guarantee of roommates after July 13th. Professional staff are on duty at the dorm 24/7. Dorm life is closely monitored.

HEALTH AND INSURANCE-We ask each attending camper to be covered by his own personal or family accident and illness insurance. Please list your personal or family insurance company on the application blank on the back page of the form, along with other pertinent insurance information. Campers who do not have personal or family insurance are responsible for their own insurance and must show proof of coverage to attend camp.

CAMP REGULATIONS– Boys are not allowed to ride in cars or be off campus unless with an organized and supervised camp group. All visitors must secure permission through the main office. Those bringing cars will be asked to check in keys.

Enrollment & Registration

Camp- July 13th-16th, Registration July 13th at 1pm-4pm

Registration Site: Student Life Center inside the gym at Kansas State University in Salina, KS

DEPARTURE TIMES- July 17th on Wednesday following the Awards Assembly (Gym) and All Star Games approximately starts at 12:30. Times subject to change. (If needed to leave camp early please call and make prior arrangements)

MEALS-All campers are provided with well-balanced and nutritionally wholesome meals. First meal for dinner on Sunday will be pizza. Every camper is provided three meals a day if full-time camper. Final meal for campers is noon on Wednesday. Day Campers can purchase meals on a per meal basis.

FACILITIES-Air-conditioned residence, dining hall, and gym. Vending machines are available. Gyms are a short walk away.

AWARDS– Camp will be presented awards at the Awards Assembly at the KWU gym at approximately 12:30(Weds).

Contest awards will be made available to all league champions, runner-ups, and all 1-1, 3-3, and fundamental contest winners. Also, Olympic style award medal will be awarded to All-Stars, MVP, Outstanding Defensive Player, and League Champions.

WHAT TO BRING-Everyone should plan to bring plenty of comfortable casual play clothes such as short, t-shirts, etc. For practice session be sure to bring plenty of practice shorts and socks. We will launder your camp T-shirt daily. Don’t forget your basketball shoes, towels, swim suit and wash clothes, personal toilet articles, two twin bed sheets, pillow and pillow cases, light blanket. Vending machines are available, so it is advisable to bring spending money. We are not responsible for lost articles.

CAMP COSTS–  Camp is $425.00. Day Camper (No room, No meals) -$250.00

CONFIRMATION-Upon receipt of your enrollment form and deposit check, our office will you confirming that we have received your enrolment form and deposit and that you are officially enrolled in camp.

FUNDAMENTALS CAMP- Full time camper is $425. A $100 deposit is mandatory for all boys. No refund on deposit unless we are notified, in writing, four weeks prior to the start of the camp. A $40 cancellation fee is charged for all refunded deposits. Total camp cost must be paid on day of registration. Any campers who enrolls by April 15, 2025 will receive EARLY BIRD ENROLLMENT GIFTS. Make all checks payable to Heart of America Sports Camps/Clinics, Ltd. All checks must include state driver’s license I.D. number. NO refunds for early departures. Part-time camper/day camper fee is $250 for all camps (No room, No Meals). Meals can be purchased on a meal to meal basis if desired. Early departures from camp due to illness or injury will be charged a $40 administrative fee. A letter of credit will be issued based on the number of camp days remaining for future camps. Letter of credit good only for family members. NO REFUNDS IF A CAMPER LEAVES PRIOR TO CAMP CONCLUSION BY HIS OWN CHOICE.

TEAM DISCOUNT INFORMATION-Five or more team members from one school will receive a $15.00 per athlete discount. Ten or more will receive a $20.00 discount. Fifteen or more will receive a $25.00 discount. All team discount registration forms MUST be mailed in a single packet to receive team discount.


HOA offers a $10 discount to all immediate family members when two or more attend the same HOA camp. This is in addition to other discount programs (Team and Veteran.)

STAFF- (Featuring American’s Best Staff)

Troy Thrasher-CEO & Camp Director-Brings a wealth of HOA experience as a former Camp Director for 10 summers, as well as being a camper himself for the past 30 years. He is the all-time winningest coach in Brown Mackie college women’s basketball history and is now the Head Women’s Coach at  Dallas College.

Ken Cochran-Founder of the HOA Basketball Camps-NAIA Hall of Fame Coach, and Kansas Sports Hall of Fame, is the founder of the Heart of America Basketball Camps. His teams were noted for their great defensive pride, discipline and intensity. His camps are recognized nationwide as the most enthusiastic, motivational and fun skill development camps in America. He is also owner and inventor of Pop-A-Shot electronic basketball.

Ryan Showman-On-Site Director-has been the head women’s basketball coach at Kansas Wesleyan since September 2012. He has been associated with HOA camps since 2000. Showman graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Health, Physical Education and Recreation from KWU in 2004 and earned his Master of Science in Physical Education from Emporia State in 2008. Showman was a three letter winner on the men’s basketball team under coach Jerry Jones.

Bob Murray- Former Director/CEO-enjoyed a highly successful high school coaching career at Bennington (KS) High School and Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina, KS, where he coached for 8 years. Coach Murray has been with the HOA Basketball Camps for over 32 years. Coach Murray played for Coach Cochran from 1967-1970.

Additional Staff Members:

Andy Scheef-Moundrige

Todd Clark-Cowley County

Curtis Pickering-Bennington H.S

Damon Boyer-World Class Athletes

Brian Gormley-Sacred Heart H.S

Professional staff are on duty in the dorm 24/7 to monitor all dorm activity. Parents are informed of illness or injury and care is taken as appropriate.

Remaining Staff Members-Outstanding coaches will be added after the conclusion of the state championships in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Oklahoma and Missouri State High School Championships.

There are occasions when certain of the representations made herein cannot be fulfilled for one reason or another, and the sponsor of this camp assumes no liability for representations made herein that need to be changed, so long as the substantial purpose of the camp is fulfilled.